How to Monetize Your YouTube Channel – A Beginner’s Guide

How to Monetize Your YouTube Channel – A Beginner’s Guide

How To Make Money on YouTube

Want to know how to monetize your channel and start making money on YouTube? Take a look at our beginner’s guide!

This post is all about how you can monetize your content on YouTube to start generating revenie. The are four golden rules to making money on YouTube, and they are:

  • You need to have 1,000 subscribers on your YouTube channel
  • Your videos have generated 4,000 Watch Time hours over the last 12 months
  • You comply with all YouTube’s policies and guidelines
  • You have an AdSense account set up

#1 The YouTube Partner Program Requirements

Commonly known as the YouTube Partner Program, or YPP for short, you’ll need to hit all four requirements before your channel will be accepted.

Let’s start with the 1,000 subscribers. This one is pretty straightforward, it doesn’t matter how long it takes you to get to 1,000 subscribers, once you hit that milestone, you’ve reached that requirement.

As well as 1,000 subscribers, you also need 4,000 hours of Watch Time on your videos over the last 12 months. There is some confusion with this one, so let me try and clarify that. First of all, this is not about how much video content you, the YouTube creator watch. 

This is all about how much video content is watched on your channel from people all across the world. It’s all those hours of video that people have watched on your channel in the last 12 months (from any given date). You could well have well 4,000 hours of Watch Time over the lifetime of your channel, but it’s only the last 12 months that count for YouTube Partner Program requirements.

Another couple of things to tell you about Watch Time. Live streams do count towards that total. Unlisted videos also count towards that total. But if you delete any videos, that Watch Time will be removed from your channel Watch Time hours. And one more final thing, if you are already in the YouTube Partner Program, and if your channel falls below 4,000 hours of Watch Time, YouTube won’t automatically remove you from the partner program, but they can do it at their discretion. If you want a much more detailed video on the topic of 4,000 hours specifically, check out this video:

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If you want to check the progress of above requirements, you can do so by clicking on your logo in the top right-hand corner of most YouTube pages, and then clicking on YouTube Studio Beta. You can view all of your analytics here, but to quickly check progress on monetization, hover your mouse over “Other features”, and then click on “Status and Features”. On this screen, you should see a monetization box, and if you click “Learn more”, it will tell you exactly where you currently stand with subscribers and Watch Time hours.

But if all of that sounds like too much hard work, then we’ve got a free tool that will do all of this much quicker and more efficiently. If you download and install the vidIQ software on pretty much every YouTube screen, you will see a collection of real-time stats all about your channel. 

It will show you your channel’s views per hour, views over the last 48 hours, and your subscriber count. But the really cool thing is that it will track your progress to 4,000 hours of Watch Time too! Once you hit 4,000 hours, that number will turn green to show you you’ve reached that monetization requirement.

#2 Following YouTube Rules for Monetization

Next on the list is the rule book. If you want to monetize your content, you need to make sure you stick to it, as YouTube state:

When you apply for the YouTube Partner Program, you’ll go through a standard review process to see whether your channel meets YouTube’s policy and guidelines. Only channels that meet them will be accepted into the program.

YouTube also constantly check channels in the program to see whether they continue to meet YouTube’s policies and guidelines. These policies and guidelines that are very comprehensive, given all of the growing pains YouTube have had of finding the right balance between creators, viewers, and advertisers. I highly recommend familiarizing yourself with these policies and guidelines if you want to monetize your content in the future.

However, if you are in a TLDR mood, to summarize, apply common sense. If you think a video might be inappropriate, chances are it is, and you make such content at your own risk.

#3 Copyright and Monetization Policies on YouTube

Among YouTube’s policies and guidelines is the huge topic of copyrighted material. Essentially, if you use other people’s work, then you could be using copyrighted material without their permission, and YouTube does not want you to do that. It will almost certainly get you demonetized or prevent you from entering the YouTube Partner Program. Let’s look at this in a little more detail.

For most of you, this is the most important monetization policy. You have to make sure that you’re adding value to any third party content you monetize, and that your content has significant original commentary, educational value, or editorialized statement. 

And let’s be clear, that still might not be enough. This does not give you a license to use other people’s content in your videos all the time, because if you do, YouTube may use this as an argument not to monetize your content.

YouTube confirms that if all or most of your channel is dedicated to reused content, and you’re not transforming the original work by adding your own unique value, then your channel is not eligible for the YouTube Partner Program. 

The spirit of this policy is to make sure that YouTube are incentivizing unique and original content into the YouTube Partner Program, and that YouTube are protecting and rewarding the creators who work hard on original content.

Now, some may see YouTube’s spirit of a policy as an excuse to demonetize channels they don’t want in the monetization program, but let’s have a look at it from this point of view. You spent days, hours creating a magnificent piece of content, and it goes viral on YouTube. And then a dozen random video creators steal that content, upload it, generate hundreds of thousands of views, and end up profiting handsomely from it. How would you feel if that happened? That’s what YouTube is trying to protect – original content from video creators.

Admittedly, reused, duplicate content, and copyright content is a broad gray area on YouTube, and they don’t always get it right. And you may look at some channels on YouTube and see that they’re clearly flaunting these rules. Well, you don’t know what their individual circumstances are, they may have permission to use that content, or they may get caught in the future, and you don’t want to follow the examples of channels that are doing this. It’s not a road to success.

Ultimately YouTube is the gatekeeper. They hold all of the keys. You are on rented ground, and if you flaunt these rules, and break them, then don’t be surprised when YouTube comes after you.

#4 Linking a Google Adsense Account with a YouTube Channel

If you are going to earn money from your videos, YouTube needs a way to pay you, and at least to begin with, this will be done through an AdSense account. A few things you need to know about this, if you already have an AdSense account, you can use that. You can connect multiple channels to one AdSense account, and if you haven’t got an AdSense account, you can set one up during the YouTube Partner Program application process.

#5 Applying to the YouTube Partner Program

Let’s remind ourselves of those requirements one more time: You need:

  • 1,000 subscribers on your YouTube channel
  • 4,000 Watch Time hours on your videos over the last 12 months
  • To comply with all YouTube’s policies and guidelines
  • Have an AdSense account set up

The Complete Tube Mastery and Monetization Program click here

When you’ve applied YouTube Partner Program, it may take up to a month for the platform to make a decision. That’s because actual humans will review your channel so it’s a manual process. Some channels have been approved in days, so it could be quicker. 

However, if it does take longer than a month, then your channel will usually be placed in further review. When this happens, unfortunately, the wait times can get very long. Three, six, possibly even 12 months. In some unfortunate cases, YouTube never seems to come to a decision, leaving the creator in monetization limbo.

We appreciate that this can be a very frustrating position to find yourself in as a video creator, as many of you have commented about this on our videos here at vidIQ. Unfortunately, we ourselves cannot help push the process forward for you, so what we recommend you do is to talk to TeamYouTube on Twitter, make sure that everybody knows that you have an issue with your monetization decision.

YouTube say that this will never speed up the process, but at least having some decision is something you should deserve as a video creator. 

#6 Being Rejected from the YouTube Partner Program

Now let’s say that you’ve applied for the YouTube Partner Program, but you’ve been rejected. What can you do?

When you are rejected from the YouTube Partner Program, YouTube will give you a general reason why. Unfortunately, they won’t tell you specifically what video or content is causing the issue, so you may be left blindly adjusting your channel. However, the good news is you can reapply for the program in 30 days.

Again, this is where you will have to use your common sense. If you think there are videos that are walking the community guideline and policies tightrope, then they most likely are and you need to adjust them. If there are videos that have copyright content on them then those are probably causing a problem with YouTube as well, so you will need to delete them.

Creators have asked when they apply for the partner program, will having a community guideline strike or a copyright strike against my channel prevent me from getting into the program? The answer is probably no, it definitely won’t prevent you, but it is going to have an impact.

There is a dedicated support page with advice on what you should do if you are rejected from the YouTube Partner Program, and you’ll find it here.

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How to Make Your Video Go Viral

How to Make Your Video Go Viral

On the Internet, viral videos may seem like the ultimate form of success. Previously unknown content creators can have a stroke of luck (or a marketing strategy—more on that later) and have their moment in the spotlight. 

While viral content may seem like a glamorous goal, it’s difficult to actually achieve, mostly due to the fluctuations in activity that decide what goes viral and what doesn’t. Content that works one day might fall completely flat in another situation with just a few variables tweaked. 

Despite the difficulty of generalizing viral content, there are some best practices to keep in mind that may increase your chances of going viral. But, a couple of caveats before we get started.

First, it’s generally not a good idea to specifically aim to make a viral video. It’s one thing to have great video content that you want to market to reach as many people as possible, but it’s another thing to create the content itself with the goal of going viral. We tend to caution against the latter option, as it can lead to content that serves no purpose and wastes your resources for no reason. 

Second, anyone who promises they can make you a viral video is lying. There is no formula that guarantees that content will actually go viral. Some content creators or distribution companies may claim that you can hire them to make your video go viral, but any arrangement that starts this way is likely to end in disappointment. 

Yes, there are several commonalities between videos that do go viral, and it is possible to manipulate those factors to try to have the most significant impact. It is not, however, possible to guarantee that those strategies will work for a given piece of content. Even for content creators who have had viral success in the past, each new piece of content is a new challenge that is subject to the same inconsistencies in engagement trends as everyone else’s content. 

With those disclaimers in mind, let’s talk about the facts. Thankfully, there are some easily-adjustable factors that many viral videos have in common. If your goal is for your content to reach as many people as possible, here are six tips for optimizing your content. 

Watch This Video to Make Your YouTube Go Viral

1. Elicit emotions

Viral content often goes viral for one simple reason: it elicits emotion. This is why there’s such a thing as “negative” viral content, like Kendall Jenner’s Pepsi ad. The video went viral by gaining backlash, not praise, but still earned millions of views. Obviously, having millions of viewers who are watching out of frustration is not ideal, so positive emotions are more likely to generate the response you want. Making people feel compassion, humor, or other happy feelings is worth aiming for if you want your content to gain traction. 

This concept has a lot to do with why this woman’s Chewbacca video went viral. Her laughter is contagious, and it gives off a positive, happy energy that clearly resonated with viewers.

2. Share strategically

Next, you’ll want to share your content strategically. Many people have the misconception that viral content happens completely organically, but this is often not the case. A video with millions of views may have received boosts from advertising the content, doing outreach to get media outlets or prominent figures to share it, or otherwise making every effort to get the content in front of as many eyes as possible. 

In one case, for example, a woman got the dance video below to go viral by intentionally trying to get traffic on several popular sites, and found success when it took hold on Reddit. Intentionally trying to get something to go viral isn’t a hands-off process by any means, so you’ll have to market your content just like you would in any other scenario where you wanted to increase its reach.

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3. Keep it short.

In the digital age, attention spans are shorter than ever. What does that mean for your content? Nobody (okay, almost nobody) wants to watch a ten-minute video unless it provides really clear value to them. Content that is most likely to go viral tends to be shorter in nature, ranging from a few seconds to a few minutes at most. 

4. Consider your timing

If your goal is to go viral, you’ll probably want to post your content on a weekday. Some people recommend posting early in the week, too, so that you have as many days before the weekend as possible when you have a captive audience. 

The reasoning behind this distinction is that many people are digesting content at work, on lunch breaks, or when they are otherwise browsing the Internet during the workweek. While you can still definitely go viral on the weekend, there may be fewer people looking for content at any given time. Additionally, you’ll want to avoid posting on holidays (unless your content is relevant to the holiday). 

5. Align with current events

Similar to the last point, you’ll want to be aware of what’s going on in the world when you post your content, and then see if you can naturally align it. Keep up with current events, trending topics, and even popular meme formats to pile your content onto the bandwagon if something relevant takes hold.

6. Stay engaged

Finally, when you hit the “post” button, your job isn’t over! For one thing, you’ll want to keep monitoring the engagement and potentially interact with your audience if you start to gain traction. If your content is successful, you’ll also need media outlets to have a way to contact you to continue to fuel your success. 

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On the other hand, if your content isn’t successful, treat it as a case study and adjust for future content. Note any trends in engagement, what worked and what didn’t work, and any flukes that may have affected your content. Then, use that information to optimize your approach next time you have great content. 

With these tips in mind, you’ll have the best shot at getting your content to go viral. May the odds be ever in your favor! 


Perkenalkan Diri Anda (Contoh Pos)

Ini adalah contoh pos yang awalnya diterbitkan sebagai bagian dari Blogging University. Mendaftarlah ke salah satu dari sepuluh program kami, dan mulai blog Anda dengan benar.

Anda akan memublikasikan pos hari ini. Jangan khawatir dengan tampilan blog Anda. Jangan khawatir jika Anda belum memberinya nama, atau merasa bingung. Cukup klik tombol “Pos Baru”, dan beri tahu kami apa yang ingin Anda lakukan di sini.

Mengapa harus melakukannya?

  • Karena ini memberikan konteks kepada pembaca baru. Apa fokus Anda? Mengapa mereka harus membaca blog Anda?
  • Deskripsi tersebut akan membantu Anda fokus pada gagasan unik untuk blog ini dan hal-hal yang ingin Anda lakukan di dalamnya.

Posnya bisa singkat atau panjang, pengantar personal mengenai kehidupan Anda atau pernyataan misi blog, sebuah manifesto untuk masa depan, atau garis besar sederhana tentang hal yang ingin Anda publikasikan.

Berikut ini beberapa pertanyaan untuk membantu Anda memulai:

  • Mengapa Anda memilih untuk menulis blog secara publik daripada menulis jurnal pribadi?
  • Topik apa yang ingin Anda tulis?
  • Siapa yang ingin Anda jangkau melalui blog Anda?
  • Jika Anda berhasil menulis blog dengan lancar sepanjang tahun depan, apa yang ingin Anda raih?

Tidak ada yang mengikat Anda. Salah satu hal yang menakjubkan tentang blog adalah perubahannya yang terus menerus seiring kita belajar, tumbuh, dan berinteraksi satu sama lain. Namun Anda sebaiknya mengetahui tempat dan alasan memulai, dan mengartikulasikan target Anda mungkin dapat memberikan beberapa ide lain untuk pos Anda.

Tidak tahu cara memulai? Tuliskan saja hal pertama yang muncul di kepala. Anne Lamott, pengarang buku favorit kami tentang penulisan, berkata bahwa Anda harus memberi kesempatan pada diri sendiri untuk menulis “draf pertama yang buruk”. Anne ada benarnya. Mulai saja menulis, pikirkan masalah penyuntingan nanti.

Saat sudah siap memublikasikan, berikan tiga sampai lima tag pada pos yang menjelaskan fokus blog Anda, apakah itu tentang menulis, fotografi, fiksi, pengasuhan anak, makanan, mobil, film, olahraga, apa saja. Tag ini akan memudahkan orang lain yang tertarik dengan topik Anda menemukan Anda di Pembaca. Pastikan salah satu tagnya “zerotohero” agar blogger baru lainnya dapat menemukan Anda juga.

Perkenalkan Diri Anda (Contoh Pos)

Ini adalah contoh pos yang awalnya diterbitkan sebagai bagian dari Blogging University. Mendaftarlah ke salah satu dari sepuluh program kami, dan mulai blog Anda dengan benar.

Anda akan memublikasikan pos hari ini. Jangan khawatir dengan tampilan blog Anda. Jangan khawatir jika Anda belum memberinya nama, atau merasa bingung. Cukup klik tombol “Pos Baru”, dan beri tahu kami apa yang ingin Anda lakukan di sini.

Mengapa harus melakukannya?

  • Karena ini memberikan konteks kepada pembaca baru. Apa fokus Anda? Mengapa mereka harus membaca blog Anda?
  • Deskripsi tersebut akan membantu Anda fokus pada gagasan unik untuk blog ini dan hal-hal yang ingin Anda lakukan di dalamnya.

Posnya bisa singkat atau panjang, pengantar personal mengenai kehidupan Anda atau pernyataan misi blog, sebuah manifesto untuk masa depan, atau garis besar sederhana tentang hal yang ingin Anda publikasikan.

Berikut ini beberapa pertanyaan untuk membantu Anda memulai:

  • Mengapa Anda memilih untuk menulis blog secara publik daripada menulis jurnal pribadi?
  • Topik apa yang ingin Anda tulis?
  • Siapa yang ingin Anda jangkau melalui blog Anda?
  • Jika Anda berhasil menulis blog dengan lancar sepanjang tahun depan, apa yang ingin Anda raih?

Tidak ada yang mengikat Anda. Salah satu hal yang menakjubkan tentang blog adalah perubahannya yang terus menerus seiring kita belajar, tumbuh, dan berinteraksi satu sama lain. Namun Anda sebaiknya mengetahui tempat dan alasan memulai, dan mengartikulasikan target Anda mungkin dapat memberikan beberapa ide lain untuk pos Anda.

Tidak tahu cara memulai? Tuliskan saja hal pertama yang muncul di kepala. Anne Lamott, pengarang buku favorit kami tentang penulisan, berkata bahwa Anda harus memberi kesempatan pada diri sendiri untuk menulis “draf pertama yang buruk”. Anne ada benarnya. Mulai saja menulis, pikirkan masalah penyuntingan nanti.

Saat sudah siap memublikasikan, berikan tiga sampai lima tag pada pos yang menjelaskan fokus blog Anda, apakah itu tentang menulis, fotografi, fiksi, pengasuhan anak, makanan, mobil, film, olahraga, apa saja. Tag ini akan memudahkan orang lain yang tertarik dengan topik Anda menemukan Anda di Pembaca. Pastikan salah satu tagnya “zerotohero” agar blogger baru lainnya dapat menemukan Anda juga.